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Commonwealth Scholarships

 Commonwealth Scholarships

Commonwealth Scholarships

Commonwealth Scholarship

- The Commonwealth Scholarships are postgraduate awards for students from across the Commonwealth
- Aimed at students who would not otherwise be able to afford to study in the UK
- Supports future innovators and leaders


- Must be a citizen or permanent resident of a Commonwealth country
- Must have an undergraduate honors degree of at least upper second class (2:1)
- For PhD studies, an appropriate master's degree is also required
- Must be unable to afford to study in the UK without the scholarship

How to Apply:

- Check the eligibility criteria for each type of scholarship and fellowship on the CSC website
- Apply for admission to a participating university
- Submit the CSC scholarship application form


- The scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and other allowances
- Funding is provided for the duration of the degree program
- The scholarship also offers a return airfare and a reunion grant for awardees to re-unite with their families

Types of Commonwealth Scholarships:

- Commonwealth PhD Scholarships
- Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships
- Commonwealth Master's Scholarships
- Commonwealth Shared Scholarships
- Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships
- Commonwealth Professional Fellowships

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