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GREAT Scholarships

  GREAT Scholarships

 GREAT Scholarships

GREAT Scholarships

What are GREAT Scholarships?

GREAT Scholarships are postgraduate scholarships for international students from 15 countries, including Ghana, to study at UK universities ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶. The scholarships are jointly funded by the UK government's GREAT Britain Campaign and the British Council with participating UK higher education institutions ¹ ² ⁴.

Scholarship Amount and Duration

Each scholarship is worth a minimum of £10,000 towards tuition fees for a one-year postgraduate course .

Participating UK Universities

There are 72 UK universities participating in the GREAT Scholarships programme, including University of Derby, University of York, University of Manchester, and University of Edinburgh ¹ ² ³ ⁴.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a GREAT Scholarship, you must:

- Be a citizen of one of the 15 eligible countries

- Have an undergraduate degree

- Be motivated and have an interest in the proposed subject area

- Meet the English language requirement of the UK HEI

- Establish an engagement with the UK as a scholar, through personal and academic fulfilment

- Be willing to attend a networking event of all UK-based GREAT scholars

- Be willing to maintain contact with the British Council and their HEI and act as an ambassador for the GREAT Scholarships

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